Adoption is the permanent, legal transfer of parental rights and responsibilities from the State to the adoptive parent. Adopting a child can and should be a joyous occasion. In fact, assisting clients through the adoption process is one of the most rewarding parts of being a family lawyer. However, the laws governing the adoption can be confusing and the process can be quite lengthy. In order for your adoption to go as smoothly as possible, we highly recommend all parties involved obtain legal advice from a Texas adoption attorney.
Texas has several options for adoption. The facts of each individual situation will determine which option is best for you and your new family member. Both the age of the child you seek to adopt (infant or older child) and the child’s country of origin (domestic or international) play a big role in determining how adoption proceedings will be handled.
The Family Lawyers of The Freeman Law Firm Can Help You With:
- Private Adoption
- Stepparent Adoption
- Open Adoption
- Closed Adoption
- Agency Adoption
- Relative Adoption
- Adult Adoption
- International Adoption
- Interstate Adoption
- Foster Child Adoption
- Same-Sex Couple Adoption
Texas Adoption Requirements
Adoptive parents can be married or single, working or retired. Even if renting a house or an apartment, you are eligible to adopt a child if you can provide a safe, nurturing environment with adequate space for children.
Although there may be procedural differences between private adoptions and adopting through the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), the law governing adoptions in Texas requires the same basic steps. Potential adoptive parents must be at least 21 years of age and financially stable. The prospective adoptive parents must also pass a criminal background check, undertake a parenting course, and complete a home visit.
Amarillo Adoption Lawyers
The Texas adoption process can be confusing and complex. Whether you are seeking to adopt a child, or you need assistance with an unplanned pregnancy, our Amarillo adoption attorneys can help. We have years of experience assisting both birth mothers and adoptive parents. We would be honored to help you with your adoption journey, so contact us today.